Shaykh Mehmet Adil Al-Haqqani, Sohbet of the 8th of July, 2016.
As-salāmu alaykum wa raḥmatu Llāhi wa barakātuh.
A‘ūdhu biLlāhi mina sh-shayṭāni rrajīm. Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm. Aṣ-ṣalātu wa s-salāmu ‘alá Rasūlina Muḥammadin Sayyidi l-awwalīna wa l-ākhirīn. Madad yā Rasūl Allāh, madad yā Sādāti Aṣḥābi Rasūli Llāh, madad yā Mashāyikhinā, dastūr yā Shaykh ‘Abdu Llāh ad-Dāghistāni, Shaykh Muḥammad Nāẓim al-Ḥaqqāni madad. Ṭarīqatunā ṣ-ṣuḥbah wa l-khayru fi l-jam‘iyyah.
There are some things they look small but are difficult to to do. They asked the Prophet (sas) to give an advice. “Lā taghḍab” he said “Don’t be angry”. Just one word. Then he (sas) said again “lā taghḍab”. “Give us another advice. This is easy.” Our Prophet (saw) again – “lā taghḍab” said “don’t be angry”. They asked him many times, each time he said the same. It is difficult not to get angry. That’s why, what the Prophet (saw) tells isn’t easy. It isn’t easy not to be angry. That advice is for the whole nation.
Our Prophet (sas) says: “brave or bully who is the hero?” He (sas) says: “manu sh-shujā?‘” (Who is the hero?) Shujā‘ means a hero. “The hero is someone, who controls his anger.” It is easy to be a hero against other people. but to control the anger of your ego it is a difficult thing. That’s why, our Prophet’s (sas) advice to people, to the nation is “don’t be angry”.
Getting angry is harmful most of the time. There are moments to be angry but they are very rare. Most people don’t do that. They get angry when it isn’t necessary. There are moments when it is necessary to get angry – to keep Allāh’s order, to help someone oppressed. Nobody gets angry then – they say “who cares?” or “let’s not get ourselves in trouble” and they don’t get angry. But other times, they fight.
Hz. Abū Bakr was very soft and gentle. He was with the Prophet (sas) all the time, never separated. He was aṣ-Ṣiddiq. People, who knew him, said he was gentle. Hz. ‘Umar on the contrary was a very angry companion. The caliphs of our Prophet (saw). After our Prophet (sas) 90% of the Arabs apostatized, left the religion. Hz. Abū Bakr drew his sword. He said “until they come back to the religion, I won’t sheathe my sword.” He was angry for Allāh. Soft, quiet, gentle person but Hz. Abū Bakr showed them that he was the caliph of the Prophet (saw). Hz. ‘Umar told Hz. Abū Bakr that “there are a lot of men, let’s be political, let’s talk to them, etc.” Hz. Abū Bakr gave him a beautiful answer: “You were a lion in the days of ignorance, did you turn into a rabbit in the days of Islām?” Hz. ‘Umar was the angry one, against everything. Hz. Abū Bakr was the opposite but for Islām and Allāh, he showed his anger. This is a lesson for everyone.
It is a great attribute to control anger. It isn’t easy. Like we said, it isn’t an easy matter. Controlling the ego, not getting angry, is difficult. Especially what comes against your ego – this is the definition of ṭarīqah. What comes on my ego, instead of being angry, I should be
I should say: “that’s nothing, my ego deserves more”. Many mashāyikh suffered. They were insulted, kicked out – most of the mashāyikh, ṣāliḥun (righteous), prophets. But of course, because the prophets are innocent, it doesn’t affect them. They were patient with their egos, they overcame their ego’s anger. Like we said, this is the way they became the lions of Allāh, heros of Allāh.
This gentleness, innamā l-‘ilmu bit-ta‘allumi wa innamā l-ḥilmu bit-taḥallum. Knowledge comes by learning. Not getting angry, being soft, bit-taḥallum – happens slowly, not suddenly. Like we said it is a very difficult issue. Anger is of course one of the biggest weapons of the devil. He has bigger weapons than that but anger is one of them. He lifts people up with anger, and throws them down with harm. They can’t control their anger and they regret it later on. The ego can destroy the world in that moment, but will regret it later on. To prevent it, our Prophet’s (sas) advice, all the mashāyikh’s advice and guidance, is to control the anger of the ego.
May Allāh help us all, because we all have it, everyone has it. It should be only for Allāh, for Allāh’s way. Allāh created two sides – one side goes to goodness, one side goes to badness. In shā’a Llāh, may our anger be for Allāh’s sake, in shā’a Llāh.
Many things you feel it is small things. You not care about the one most important thing. They were asking Prophet (sas), one ṣaḥābīy (companion). “Beloved Prophet (sas), tell me advice good for me” Prophet (sas) said “lā taghḍab – Don’t be angry.” He said “Ok, next. What is, again give me one more advice, good thing to do.” Prophet (sas) he said “lā taghḍab – Don’t be angry.” He said maybe Prophet, astaghfiru Llāh, can give another naṣīḥah (advice). He asked him again. How many times he asked, every time same answer. Because to not be angry, it is not easy. Anger, it is difficult, difficult to control it. To be under your control, it is very difficult thing. For this, Prophet (sas) was telling this ṣaḥābīy “Be… Don’t be angry.”
Other ḥadīth also saying “Who is hero? Who fighting with people, who making that and that or doing this strong thing?” Said “The hero – who is controlling his anger”. Really it is not easy thing to do. Anger it is terrible thing. When man become angry, become like crazy. Nothing can stop him. Many people in jail from one second of anger they do something they regret for whole life. They do one time, after five minutes they regret. “I wish I didn’t do this. Why I did this?” they say.
And it is – everything Allāh created for benefit of people and for not benefit. Anger also same. Don’t be angry. Few things only you can be angry. Because people they are angry for everything but for few things you must be angry. You must be – if you can change, you can do. What is this? The order of Allāh or to helping oppressed one if you can. But people, they are leaving this. They are not doing angry for this. Only doing angry for everything else.
Example for this: when Sayyudinā Abū Bakr, khalīfah of Prophet, first khalīfah (ra) he was very peaceful, very calm, very quiet person. Sayyudinā Abū Bakr he was friend all life with Prophet (sas). And Prophet (sas) saying for him “He’s my friend here and hereafter”.
And if anything bad happens, he was making, can fix between people and not be angry. And there was other khalīfah Sayyudinā ʿUmar, second one. When Prophet (sas) changed his world (passed away), Arab 90%, they go out of Islām. Why? To not pay money, zakāh. The most important this and other things also. But they were quickly changing. Sayyidunā Abū Bakr, he take his sword from not putting inside. “Just I will fight these people” he said, “until last one to come to Islām.” And people were surprised. “How this man? He’s very quiet, very calm, very soft man become like this, wanted to fight whole these Arabs?” He said “This is order of Allāh, order of Prophet. I cannot… one millimeter cannot be… I cannot tolerate even one millimeter.” And he was fighting.
But Sayyidunā ʿUmar, he was really angry for everything. In many times when in front of Prophet (sas) “O Prophet, let me take this man’s head from his body.” Many times he said this. But that time coming to Sayyidunā Abū Bakr and tell him “Don’t be very hurry to do this. We can speak. We can negotiate with these people to not…” There was one word, it is real good Sayyidunā Abū Bakr said to Sayyidunā ʿUmar – “You are lion in jāhilīyah time before Islām and you are now like rabbit in Islām. How you can say this for me?” he said. Look for Islām, for Allāh how they give us example. You must be angry for very few things. But people, they are angry for everything but forgetting real thing what to be angry. And alḥamdu liLlāh he finish all these people for his .. Allāh help him with his anger to make all these people Muslim. It was benefit anger – not to destroy people, no, to give them life. Not to take their life by anger.
So it is small word to say but to do it is very difficult. Many times were coming people for ḥajj asking Mawlānā “Give me advice.” He said to them same advice. “Don’t be angry.” Because in Hajj also people getting 10 times angry, 100 times angry. So to be… We must train ourself to be not angry. Because Prophet (sas) said: innamā l-‘ilmu bit-ta‘allumi wa innamā l-ḥilmu bit-taḥallum. ‘Ilm knowledge by learning it is. And to be not angry also slowly slowly you can – you cannot do it [all at] once. So slowly slowly we, in shā’a Llāh, Allāh help us to take this anger from ourself, bad anger. And it is, in shā’a Llāh, from mashāyikh also. They were giving us very good example. They weren’t angry for themselves at all. If something, some people doing wrong for them or speaking wrong by action or by word, they were saying “It is for our ego, it is not too much. It is very few. We, our ego need more than this.” So they were not angry for their ego, even they are happy to hear something like this for their ego.
Teaching from ṭarīqah it’s good teaching, in shā’a Llāh to be not angry.
Wa min Allāhi ttawfīq al-Fātiḥah.
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