Ehkam of Salah (Part-2)

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Sohbah of Hajjah Ruqqaiyah Sultan

Dated 28 April 2020 / 05 Ramaḍan 1441

Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem.
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem,

Insha Allah, we talked about prayer yesterday…..Salah, we talked about… the timing, and how many rakah, and, how to pray, how to pray is, you make intention…..for the prayer time or for ladies, to…..they hold their hands below their, their  shoulders. For men over their shoulders.  And, when they put their right hand over the left hand ,under their, under chest but under their, not, some they put over their breast and some under…..and, its good anyway but under is better, for men they put below their belly button for, for rukoo. You make rukoo when,  for you,  put your palms…..hand palms, on your knees and you make straight line with ground you know , if you put, they put something on top of you, that should not fall for the rukoo. Then you get up for say ‘ Sami’ Allâhu liman hamidah rabbana laka l-hamd’.

This is, there is a story ,I will tell you this story also about it that, Hazrat Ali he was always going jama’a with Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم join jama’a, and one morning he was hurrying because he was late and there was a one old man in front of him going very slowly and he was thinking…..he always respect, make respect for old people, so he was walking behind him slowly, slowly and you know he is hearing Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم  is nearly finishing the rakah, the reading in, the rakah but this old man is going very slowly in front of him,  then,  when they came in the front of the masjid the old man was passing the masjid, then, he said ‘you are shaitaan’ and he hold him with and put him under the pillar of the front of the door of the masjid, He said and  he was going inside. Prophet      صلى الله عليه وسلم was in the rukoo…..say…..he…..and he, Hazrat Ali came and said Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, he was making rukoo with Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم….. when you reach, when you are praying with Imam, if you reach rukoo then the rakah, the rakah of the prayer is counted but if he say ‘Sami’ Allâhu liman hamidah’, it, you have to pray it when the, when the imam finish, you have to pray, make  up yourself. Then, he was saying, Alhamdulillah,  Alhamdulillah, then Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم  said,  ‘Sami’ Allâhu liman hamidah’…..when he get up praying, that Allah he give, because Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم was praying and he is in the rukoo and Jibreel عليه السلام came and hold his , his back, not , not letting him get up from the rukoo, because Hazrat Ali is coming, hurrying to reach the rakah with him, first rakah with him, then, we get up, this is from that time its, ‘ Sami’ Allâhu liman hamidah rabbana laka l-hamd wa shukr’, some says hamd, then….. when they go out of the masjid, shaitan was still there, struggling under this pillar…..then, Prophet ‘  صلى الله عليه وسلم was laughing, said release him, because it is, he has job to do, if, otherwise if Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم not saying then that it will be there under there until Qiyamah. So they released him, this is the story.

So when you get up you have a straight back you know, not, you have to pray…..not , you can pray fast, but, not, Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said not making like a chicken eating wheat from the floor. You make your back straight, it should be straight and you go to sajdah, on sajdah your, your face, your forehead, nose, your two hands, two knees and your toes. Your feet, your feet toes, your hands, your knees and your face its should be on the floor. Your…..some people…..Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said not making like a dog on the, on the ground, don’t put your whole arm, on the ground, you, for ladies they have to make their arms little bit on to their body, to hold it up, either, either touching their knees, not making like this, you have to make it like you are making sajdah, you have to hold your elbows high, not to put it all on the ground, only your hands on the ground and others, the other part of your arm is touching your knees , little bit high from the floor. So many people, I see are making, they put all their arms on the ground, its, it is not, it should be high, little bit higher because Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم  prohibited said not to make it like a dog. The dogs are like this. So this is sajdah, the position  of the sajdah.

When you get up, sitting properly and getting more ,one more time sajdah. Sajdah also and for the last sitting you put your left leg under your right leg and the position. You know it I think most of you know it. Don’t , when you are in sajdah don’t lift your feet from the ground  and when you are sitting for attahiyat also your feet should touch the ground not one on top of the other, that one is touching and the other is not touching, both of them should be touching the ground. This is prayer how to pray.

What make prayer, break the prayer is, to talk, to talk duniya talk, not normal talking this is break the, the prayer the Salah, to make movement more than usual for the prayer more than usual movement of prayer, 2-3 times in one position  you make 3 times the movement this is also break your , your prayer .

To whatever breaks you know like you have something coming out from your body like a gas or something this also break the prayer. This also break the wudhu, what comes from your body out ,blood or from your gas or something similar it comes, this breaks wudhu. And when, to laugh , in the prayer to laugh, if you are praying and laughing you hear yourself , your prayer is not valid, you have to renew. You laugh and the people next to you hear your laughing then you have to go and have wudhu.

For prayer, also the people, some people has excuse, some they have…..some illness or something that they can, they have either  bleeding specially with ladies they have bleeding  all the  time or they have some intestinal difficulties they have gas coming out or some…..they cannot hold their urines, this is normal you know which is, there is so many people having this problems. So, for this people to, they take wudhu every prayer time, they take wudhu and they pray this, the time , also farz, the farz time they pray whatever happens, happens in this…..they have a new pad for who is bleeding may be who is bleeding without their period time or so. Every prayer time they have wudhu and they have a new pad to renew, to pray. They can pray farz with it, they can pray nifl as much as they can, they can read Qur’an but for the other prayer time they have to renew their wudhu. This is for people who has bleeding without period time or without having baby you know or they have some problems with their, having gas or having some urine, some difficulties , so this , they all , they all have the same rule . They can take wudhu and as soon as azan, they took wudhu, pray the farz and when, while they are…..they can pray nifl and read Qur’an. But when other prayer time comes they need to renew their wudhu.

And this is what also it break wudhu to get anything from front or back  from your outs of your body and to…..if you have break some cut and blood coming more than your some, blood coming out of your body more or some, it is the wudhu is not valid. And there is so many things other things like this but, I think you know more, more or less you know about it. Also when laughing in the prayer it also if somebody else hearing your laugh then you have to renew your prayer your wudhu first then your prayer.

And for tayammum, tayammum, there is tayammum, for people who doesn’t find water. If there is no water close by then you can make tayammum, or for people who cannot use water , it is difficult for them to use water. Like old people, ill people, laying in bed all the time, cannot go out or take wudhu by themselves, this is tayammum, not,  tayammum, not for everybody, for, to make it easy, no, this is to make it easy for ill people or for people who doesn’t find water and the time, the prayer time is passing, it is, tayammum, it is to make, it is like wudhu but with, with soil, any soil, any clean soil you can make tayammum. It is has two, to farz, two pillars, when you make niyyah for tayammum, tayammum you make niyyah for everything you have to do, you know, you want to read Qur’an you make , say ‘Nawaitu tayammum’, to read Quran,  then it is prayer time you cannot make tayammum, this tayammum prayer. You say, you make one more  tayammum for your prayer, this or if you don’t find water. So the tayammum, for each, each tayammum, it needs, each thing you do for like reading Qur’an , or praying or tawaf even, this you need to make the niyyah of the tayammum, that I make tayammum for this . Sometime if, if you don’t  have water and you need to have gusool also you make tayammum say,  ‘Nawaitu tayammum’ for gusool.

The tayammum, it is only two, two pillar , one is to make the niyyah, the intention, and the second one you, your hands, your arms getting them open, one time you make them like this on clean soil, you assure that the soil is clean, you make your, you tap  on the, on the soil, your face, you make one time your face and one more time you make, your arms , like this ,you take it , you take it from behind of your arm till your elbow and then in the front of your arm till the your toe, to your fingers, to the tip of your fingers , from right first and then left. This is tayammum.

Mawlana used to make one more time to make on his forehead. He said Mawlana Shaykh Abdullah also used to make this . So this is , also what, what breaks wudhu, breaks tayammum also. This is for tayammum is not for, to…..substitute of wudhu. It is substitute of wudhu in emergency, urgent times not, not all the time, not normal time, you have water there and you say, Ah! no, no water, I  have to make tayammum now here like this. No, this is…..this is the rule of the tayammum, Insha Allah.  Then everybody more or less you know about the prayer Insha Allah. This is what we have today Insha Allah about it.

The blood is for…..she said breaking wudhu, the… for Shafi’i Madhab, if man touch women or women touch man hand, or there is some communication between them…..was touching skin to each other, the, the wudhu is broken, but when Hanafi, it is not like this, it has, more…..should be more, more, more , more serious to break.

With blood, the Shafi’i Madhab is, they can have if until it is you know, they said it is the blood, it doesn’t break their wudhu until it is really going down, until its bleeding but in Hanafi Madhab its only your finger,  if it is more than your finger , your some size, it will be… have to renew your wudhu.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
